Whew! 2024 is over and 2025 is here! Last year was full of ups and downs, challenges and celebrations, trials and tribulations as well as blessings manifesting. Through it all, God was faithful as we leaned in and trusted Him. Here are a few ways that we used art to impact the world in 2024.

We worked alongside ministries in the Florida Keys, Central Florida, Virginia, Indiana, and Michigan.
Presented an original, full-length Easter Production called "Risen" and saw hands going up all over the auditorium as people decided to give their lives to Jesus at the close.
Witnessed 30+ children give their life to Christ around a lakeside fire pit in the woods.
Created an array of collaborated art with all ages and backgrounds in a community park in Indiana.
Saw 80% of a congregation make decisions to whole-heartedly follow Jesus during a single night of worship.
Taught acting and dance to elementary age girls during a week-long summer camp in Michigan and produced an improv dance and a drama to music for the closing service.
Shone the light of Jesus in Key West on the darkest night of the year.
Presented portions of the Christmas story through dramatic vignettes and musical re-enactments throughout the Christmas Season.
Became officially ordained into the full-gospel ministry.
2024 definitely made an impact, thanks to you! We can't say thank you enough for all of your prayers and support. As we take this first month of the year to reflect and pray about the direction for the coming year, would you consider partnering with us on a monthly basis?
Consistent contributions give us a better picture of what kind of impact we can make and help us to plan more efficiently. Even $10 per month makes a massive difference and aids in covering travel expenses, props, costume pieces, production costs and so much more.
We're excited for all that God has in store for 2025 and we can't wait to share the vision with you. Stay tuned!